fresh pork shanks for sale
fresh pork shanks for sale or the picnic ham on the front leg of the hog is referred to as the hocks or the shanks interchangeably.
The back leg is where we get our pork shanks. Shanks can be cooked way your recipe directs, including braising, boiling, and slow cooking.
Family farmers provide the pork for Borrowdale Free Range. The farms are pioneers in the production of commercial free range pork.
They were founded out of a desire to raise pigs stress-free in an atmosphere that prioritized animal welfare principles.
Insulated huts are used as shelter from the weather and as comfortable beds filled with dense straw.
The pigs are given balanced diets that closely resemble those of their wild forebears and are able to forage on pastures.
What Differentiates Borrowdale?
No Infusion of Moisture
Hormones not added
Certified Free Range APIQv®
Certified as Carbon Neutral
Product Specification.
Frozen Pork Specifications:
Detailed Description:
– Washed and clean.
– No blood.
– No bad smell.
– White skin.
– No bruises.
– No broken bones
– Moisture content: less thann 3%.
– No black pads.
– Drainage: 0 to -5°C for 8 hours.
– No traces of carved deep wounds.
– No ammonia burns.
– Blasted at: -40°C.
– Storage at: -20°C
– 100% Fresh and Frozen
– Duringg Transportation: minus 10~15C
-Shelf Life: 12 -24 months from production date
Safe for human consumption